Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Back from some travels - here are a bunch of pictures -

Still finalizing all furniture - hopefully here by March!  in the meantime air mattresses and plastic chairs!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

delayed pictures - blame it on the computer



kitchen cabinets - kamani wood

master bathroom - wenge

noni's all gone

office - sapele

clean up behind pool

view from the south


the yard became a truck lot during the pool event (which was cancelled)

new toy
a crazy day to plaster a pool - at the end is was called off.
stormy attempt to plaster

grass is starting up (one week after planting)


moving palms - a total of 14 were moved to create the proper curve in the driveway

tug of war - the crane won.

Holes prepared by guest rooms for new palms

a royal palm and its new home

easier to move than you may think - now just water water water

new palms by guest rooms

these are from october 19 - november 8

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Quick and Dirty

Arrived last night and today we had two concrete stainer/stampers, two tile setters inside, one tile setter outside, the satelite internet installer, Les, doing more demolition/sculpting, screen people and Bob and Mark.

Pics - big changes... since the last post of 9/15... most of the changes occured last week while I was in DC.

we're watching you

Kamani in the kitchen

New Tiles on Overflow.