Friday, March 5, 2010

Late entries

Today we signed the contract for the kitchen/bathrooms/pantry/office and dining room cabinetry
Koa in guest rooms, Sapele in pantry and office, Wenge in master bedroom and Kamani in kitchen and dining room.
The kamani was harvested from Opihikao - right near the house.

Slab around garage and master bedroom lanai to be poured Monday.

Bathroom/Kitchen fixtures to be ordered Monday - if you have any questions about urinals or toilets, I am now an expert (who would've thunk)

Solar lights to be flush mounted in walks around house and garage to be ordered Monday.

Berm - new concrete below nanawall opening

Front Door panorama

Same shot- different day

Guest room lanai - and new concrete beyond

Master bedroom side - slab prep for propane tank

Prepping for lanai slab - pool electricity and spa piping

Prepping for slab around garage

More slab prep


From the pali