Sunday, April 18, 2010

multi updates

Roof continues to be placed - Stucco on cupolas painted and the rest of the house is being "browned" - to be painted in 3 weeks or so.  Floor inside and out ordered - T&G Ceiling ordered - Security system decided on and ordered.

Yellow ohia found on the property by mom - a rare find.

Contraband squash

Yellow ohia

It's a big tree

and we have big orchids

Front door shot

Getting ready for base stucco

Stucco colors - three of four - the fourth will be on the exposed slab

Cupola and roof tiles

Front door - different day

Same shot - different day

Roof coming together on the pool side

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Because of rain the roof is not going down and the finish stucco on the cupolas has not been applied yet.  The stucco group continues to put the paper and wire on the main house to prep it for the "brown coat".

Pool guys showed up today as well - but pretty slow lately - until I was ready to leave this afternoon....

Front Door

Same shot - different day

Looking to guest rooms - part of roof complete

Berm shot

Kitchen - look at the light switches

Just some of the electrical pulls

From master bedroom toward center of house

Wrapped and ready for base stucco

Electricians notes

Pool shot (a shot from the pool)

Then I did a walk-about the garden and found...

a Pueo.

It was in the grass near a fig tree.
I called humane society and they told me to bring it in.
I placed a sheet over it and it was so gentle.  I tried to get it in a box but had to adjust the bird.  It flew away, but still could not land in trees so I picked him up again and put him in the truck and drove to the shelter

It was calm - perhaps someone had tried to raise it, or maybe just a fledgling.

The Humane Society guys (big Hawaiian style guys) melted when they saw it.  Sadly (or maybe happily) it will be brought to the zoo tomorrow for rehab, and if all good they will free it, or else it may be part of the zoo. 

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Back to work

Pictures from March 31 and April 1

Roof Arrival - Two 20 foot containers.  One is held up in Customs in Honolulu.

Front Door

Same Shot - Different Day

April 1

Electrician at work

Guest room side

Guest room side

Break Time

Kitchen area

Master bedroom side

Master bedroom sliders

Pantry and Control Central

Dining room and Guest room side

To Do list...

Dining room

Same Shot - Different Day